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The equation-of-motion coupled-cluster method

We want to use this tutorial to show you how you can perform calculations of excited states using the FHI-aims/CC-aims/Cc4s infrastructure. In 1993, Stanton and Bartlett developed the equation-of-motion coupled-cluster method (EOM-CC), which constitutes an extension of ground-state coupled-cluster (CC) theory to address excited states. Depending on the type of excitation one is interested in, there are different EOM-CC methods, which includes EE-EOM-CC for neutral electronic excitations, IP-EOM-CC for ionization processes and EA-EOM-CC for electron attachment processes. In this tutorial we will focus on IP- and EA-EOM-CC theory.

The EOM-CCSD implementation in Cc4s

The development version of Cc4s does offer the calculation of charged excited states on the EOM-CC level of theory with single and double excitations (IP-EOM-CCSD and EA-EOM-CCSD). These methods are publicly available on the open-source repository of Cc4s,

General EOM-CCSD workflow

As you will see, most of the workflow to perform Cc4s-calculations with FHI-aims does not change for excited states. Indeed, the FHI-aims and CC-aims part of the calculation remains exactly the same, since the EOM-CCSD method makes use of the same quantities as the ground-state CC methods (e.g MP2, CCSD) do.

What does change is the Cc4s part: First of all, as you can read in the original paper the starting-point of a EOM-CCSD calculation is a ground-state CCSD calculation. As a consequence, our new workflow will involve one more step on the Cc4s side. Overall, we will perform the following calculations

  1. FHI-aims Hartree-Fock calculation involving call to CC-aims library (same as before)
  2. CCSD calculation using Cc4s (same as in the second tutorial)
  3. IP- and/or EA-EOM-CCSD calculation

In this tutorial we will show how to perform the third step. Depending on your application, you may want to perform either an IP-EOM-CCSD or an EA-EOM-CCSD calculation or both. In molecules, both the ionization potential (IP) and the electron affinity (EA) are well-defined quantities, and you can use either of the two EOM-CCSD methods to obtain those. For molecular applications, the EOM-CCSD method is considered to be one of the most accurate available methods for excited states and can routinely achieve accuracies of ~100 meV. For periodic solids, the IP and EA is only well-defined relative to a given shape and surface termination of the Born-von-Karman cell, so that a comparison to experiment would require exact knowledge of the experimental setup. However, the difference EA(k)-IP(k) for a given momentum vector k in reciprocal space is a well-defined quantity in periodic systems as well and yields the band gap of the material at that k-point. Note, that due to the sign convention used in Cc4s, the band gap in this tutorial will be calculated by the sum EA+IP.

Currently, there are two limitations on performing EOM-CC band gap calculations using Cc4s with FHI-aims. The first one has been mentioned briefly in the second tutorial and is due to the fact that Cc4s does only perform super cell calculations. Hence, it is not possible for the EOM-CCSD algorithm to pick a specific k-point at which the band gap should be computed. Instead, we will need to provide a super cell with an appropriate shift in reciprocal space. Note, that we can generate Cc4s input via FHI-aims using either a super cell or a k-grid. However, the Cc4s calculation will internally always convert the input to its super cell equivalent. Due to this constraint, we currently can only access the minimal band gap for a given super cell, while entire band structures would require a k-point aware treatment of the EOM-CC equations in Cc4s, which is currently under development. The second limitation stems from FHI-aims: At the time of writing, shifting of a k-grid for a Hartree-Fock calculation is not supported by FHI-aims. However, we have developed a workaround: Instead of directly shifting the k-grid or the super cell in reciprocal space, we can perform a Hartree-Fock calculation on a very dense k-grid and subsequently select a shifted subset of that grid to perform the Cc4s calculations.

In this tutorial, we will perform both calculations which can be performed on a regular desktop computer or laptop (IP of the fluorine molecule, and the 1x1x2 super cell of trans-polyacetylene, tPA) and those for which access to a HPC infrastructure is highly advisable (IP of uracil).

First ionization potential of F2

The first two steps involving the FHI-aims calculation and the CCSD ground-state calculation are identical to the previously shown examples. As in the previous cases, start by creating two directories aims and CC4S

mkdir aims
mkdir CC4S

and enter the aims directory

cd aims

where we will create the and input files for the FHI-aims calculation. In the file we specify

xc                       hf
frozen_core_postSCF      1
RI_method                V

output cc4s
KS_method                parallel

relativistic             none
charge                   0

override_illconditioning .true.

sc_accuracy_rho          1E-6
sc_accuracy_eev          1E-4
sc_accuracy_etot         1E-6

To determine the ionization potential of F2, we use the NAO-VCC-3Z basis sets which you can find in the species_defaults directory of FHI-aims. Complete the file by concatenating the computational parameters specified above with the species_defaults basis set files for F.

cat /path/to/FHI-aims/species_defaults/NAO-VCC-nZ/NAO-VCC-3Z/06_C_default >

As in the previous examples, add auxiliary basis functions

for_aux hydro 4 f 1.0
for_aux hydro 5 g 1.0
for_aux hydro 6 h 1.0

to the basis set specification of every element (here: only F).

Your final file should look like this

xc                       hf
frozen_core_postSCF      1
RI_method                V

output cc4s
KS_method                parallel

relativistic             none
charge                   0

override_illconditioning .true.

sc_accuracy_rho          1E-6
sc_accuracy_eev          1E-4
sc_accuracy_etot         1E-6

#  FHI-aims code project
# Igor Ying Zhang and Xinguo Ren, Fritz Haber Institute Berlin, 2012
#  Suggested "NAO-VCC-3Z" defaults for F atom (to be pasted into file)
#  Please cite:
#  Igor Ying Zhang, Xinguo Ren, Patrick Rinke, Volker Blum, and Matthias Scheffler,
#  "Numeric atom-centered-orbital basis sets with valence-correlation consistency from H to Ar"
#  New Journal of Physics 15, 123033 (2013).
  species        F
#     set basis set reference for FHI-aims output
    cite_reference NAO-VCC-2013
#     global species definitions
    nucleus             9
    mass                18.9984032
    l_hartree           6
    cut_pot             4.0  2.0  1.0
    basis_dep_cutoff    0e-4
    radial_base         37 7.0
    radial_multiplier   2
    angular_grids       specified 
      division   0.4014  110
      division   0.5291  194
      division   0.6019  302
      division   0.6814  434
      division   0.7989  590
#      division   0.8965  770
#      division   1.3427  974
#      outer_grid  974
      outer_grid  770
#      outer_grid  434
#  Definition of "minimal" basis
#     valence basis states
    valence      2  s   2.
    valence      2  p   5.
#     ion occupancy
    ion_occ      2  s   1.
    ion_occ      2  p   4.

 basis_acc              1e-04
# Optimization in      F for       NAO-VCC-3Z
for_aux hydro 4 f 1.0
for_aux hydro 5 g 1.0
for_aux hydro 6 h 1.0

# (sp) correlation set
 hydro     1     s      2.79571831
 hydro     1     s      3.59883615
 hydro     2     p      2.79844642
 hydro     2     p      7.10137981
# polarization set
 hydro     3     d      9.19074920
 hydro     3     d     11.25968007
 hydro     4     f     16.05919112
# (sp) enhanced minimal set
 hydro     1     s      9.62761974
 hydro     1     s     11.10594321
 hydro     2     p      7.75321023

For the geometry, we use the bond length reported in this paper, resulting in the following file

atom 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 F
atom 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 1.4119300000000000 F

With the input files for the FHI-aims/CC-aims calculation complete, run it for example via

mpirun -np 4 /path/to/FHI-aims-executable > out.aims

which should take a minute at most. Make sure that the calculation finished successfully by checking that "Have a nice day" is printed at the end of the output file and by finding some new files most importantly EigenEnergies.elements and CoulombVertex.elements in your calculation directory. This concludes the first step of the 3-step workflow outlined above.

It's time for the second step, the ground-state CCSD calculation. Leave the aims directory and create a new sub-directory ccsd in the CC4S directory

cd ../CC4S
mkdir ccsd
cd ccsd

To perform the CCSD calculation you will need to either copy or link the previously generated input .yaml and .elements files to this directory.

ln -s ../../aims/*elements .
ln -s ../..//aims/*yaml .

Finally you need to provide a yaml file, which communicates to Cc4s what kind of calculation we are interested in. In the present case, we want to run a CCSD calculation, which in the end saves the amplitudes. The following ccsd.yaml file

- name: Read
    fileName: "EigenEnergies.yaml"
    destination: EigenEnergies

- name: Read
    fileName: "CoulombVertex.yaml"
    destination: CoulombVertex

- name: DefineHolesAndParticles
    eigenEnergies: EigenEnergies
    slicedEigenEnergies: EigenEnergies

- name: SliceOperator
    slicedEigenEnergies: EigenEnergies
    operator: CoulombVertex
    slicedOperator: CoulombVertex

- name: VertexCoulombIntegrals
    slicedCoulombVertex: CoulombVertex
    coulombIntegrals: CoulombIntegrals

- name: CoupledCluster
    method: Ccsd
    integralsSliceSize: 100
    slicedEigenEnergies: EigenEnergies
    coulombIntegrals: CoulombIntegrals
    slicedCoulombVertex: CoulombVertex
    maxIterations: 100
    energyConvergence: 1.0E-4
      type: DiisMixer
    energy: CcsdEnergy
    amplitudes: Amplitudes

- name: Write
    fileName: "Amplitudes.yaml"
    binary: 1
    source: Amplitudes

will do exactly that. Run the CCSD calculation via

mpirun -np 4 /path/to/cc4s/executable -i ccsd.yaml > out.ccsd

In contrast to the previous tutorials, we are not really interested in the CCSD correlation energy but in the wave function, which has been saved in the files
and Amplitudes.components.pphh.elements.

To compute the ionization potential of F2, we create one final calculations directory inside CC4S/and enter it

cd ..
mkdir -p eom/IP
cd eom/IP

Again, we will need the .yaml and .elements files

ln -s ../../ccsd/*yaml .
ln -s ../../ccsd/*elements .

and a Cc4s input file, eom.yaml, to perform the IP-EOM-CCSD calculation:

- name: Read
    fileName: "EigenEnergies.yaml"
    destination: EigenEnergies

- name: Read
    fileName: "CoulombVertex.yaml"
    destination: CoulombVertex

- name: Read
    fileName: "Amplitudes.yaml"
    destination: Amplitudes

- name: DefineHolesAndParticles
    eigenEnergies: EigenEnergies
    slicedEigenEnergies: EigenEnergies

- name: SliceOperator
    slicedEigenEnergies: EigenEnergies
    operator: CoulombVertex
    slicedOperator: CoulombVertex

- name: VertexCoulombIntegrals
    slicedCoulombVertex: CoulombVertex
    coulombIntegrals: CoulombIntegrals

- name: EquationOfMotion
    initialAmplitudes: Amplitudes
    slicedEigenEnergies: EigenEnergies
    coulombIntegrals: CoulombIntegrals
    slicedCoulombVertex: CoulombVertex
    numberExcitations: 1
    initialGroundstateCalculation: ccsd
    evaluateStructureFactor: 0
    coulombPotential: CoulombPotential
      type: Davidson
      maxIterations: 20
      maxBasisSize: 50
      type: IP
      groundstate: ccsd
    rightAmplitudes: RightAmplitudes

As you can see, this input is identical to the CCSD(T) input from the previous tutorial, except for the fact that we replaced the PerturbativeTriples algorithm at the end by the EquationOfMotion method. This method has a couple of new keywords, in particular

  • numberExcitations : Specifies how many excited states you want to compute.
  • initialGroundstateCalculation : Specifies our starting point for the EOM-CC calculation. Currently only the most widely used ccsd starting point is implemented.
  • evaluateStructureFactor : Specifies if you want to compute the correlation EOM-CC structure factor after the calculation is completed. This is a potentially useful quantity for periodic calculations and gives insights into short- and long-range electronic correlations. This keyword can be either switched on (1) or off (0). For this tutorial, we won't need to compute the EOM-CC structure factor, hence we will always set evaluateStructureFactor: 0.
  • eigensolver: The EOM-CCSD excitation energies are determined by partially diagonalizing the similarity transformed Hamiltonian, which generally is a of very impractical size to store. As a consequence, we need to use an indirect eigensolver, which does not construct the entire Hamiltonian at any point. The most widely used algorithm for this purpose is the Davidson algorithm, which is also the one specified in the input file.
    • maxIterations : Number of iterations to be performed in the Davidson algorithm
    • maxBasisSize : With every iteration the Davidson algorithm computes new basis vectors, which span the subspace in which the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian are searched. To avoid memory problems, you can specify a maximum number of basis vectors. Once this maximum is reached, the Davidson algorithm only keeps the currently best guess of the solution eigen vectors and deletes the rest. The remaining vectors then serve as the starting point to construct the new subspace.
  • evaluator : The instance, which defines what type of EOM-CC calculation is to be performed. It consists of two parts:
    • type : What kind of excitations are to be calculated? One can currently choose between IP and EA
    • groundstate : This is not identical to the initialGroundstateCalculation keyword. Here, we specify to which order of correlation we want to perform the EOM-CC calculation. The combination of groundstate: ccsd with type: IP is equivalent to saying that we will perform a IP-EOM-CCSD calculation. Currently, only groundstate: ccsd is supported.

Run the EOM-CCSD calculation via

mpirun -np 4 /path/to/cc4s/executable -i eom.yaml > out.ip

This calculation will determine the IPs by performing the Davidson algorithm which iteratively determines the lowest lying eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector of the similiarity-transformed Hamiltonian. After each completed iteration, the intermediate result along with the convergence of the energy and the excitation wave function will be printed to out.ip. In the case of our F2 calculation you should get something very similar to this:

grep -A1 "Davidson iteration" out.ip 
Davidson iteration 1 completed: 
           0.75131426   7.5131e-01   5.1900e-01
Davidson iteration 2 completed: 
           0.57670638   1.7461e-01   1.0742e-01
Davidson iteration 3 completed: 
           0.57559085   1.1155e-03   1.5648e-02
Davidson iteration 4 completed: 
           0.57563070   3.9854e-05   4.6677e-03
Davidson iteration 5 completed: 
           0.57556909   6.1612e-05   7.8613e-04
Davidson iteration 6 completed: 
           0.57556327   5.8213e-06   2.8441e-04
Davidson iteration 7 completed: 
           0.57556137   1.9006e-06   7.9887e-05
Davidson iteration 8 completed: 
           0.57556128   9.0691e-08   1.3592e-05
Davidson iteration 9 completed: 
           0.57556173   4.4898e-07   2.0038e-06
Davidson iteration 10 completed: 
           0.57556180   6.9361e-08   3.7864e-07

where the first value is the IP value in Hartree, the second value is the change of the IP compared to the previous iteration and the third value quantifies the change of the wave function compared to the previous iteration. We find that we obtain an IP of 0.57556180 Hartree = 15.66 eV, which is in good agreement with the aug-cc-pVTZ result from the previously mentioned paper of 15.61 eV.

Electronic band gap of trans-polyacetylene

To perform a periodic EOM-CCSD calculation all you have to do is adapt the FHI-aims input to perform a periodic calculation. Since the Cc4s code is agnostic to the fact if the system is a molecule or under periodic boundary conditions, the CCSD and the EOM-CCSD calculation inputs will remain unchanged.

We again start in a new, empty directory, which we call aims.

The computational settings we set in the file look slightly different this time:

xc                       hf
frozen_core_postSCF      1
RI_method                LVL

k_grid                   1 1 1
symmetry_reduced_k_grid  .false.

output cc4s
cc4s_screen_thresh 1.0d-3
KS_method                parallel

relativistic             none
charge                   0

override_illconditioning .true.

sc_accuracy_rho          1E-6
sc_accuracy_eev          1E-4
sc_accuracy_etot         1E-6

If you have done the previous tutorial on periodic ground-state CC calculations, these should look familiar. Since the present calculation should be performed under periodic boundary conditions, we need to specify the k-grid (k_grid 1 1 1) and that we don#t want to exploit the symmetry of the the Brillouin zone (symmetry_reduced_k_grid .false.). Moreover, if we employ PBC in FHI-aims we need to use the more memory-efficient RI-LVL scheme (RI_method LVL) instead of the RI-V one. The last change is optional but notably decreases the computation time of the subsequent CC steps and involves making the Coulomb vertex more compact via a principal component analysis (cc4s_screen_thresh 1.0d-3). Details on this keyword can be found in the previous tutorials. The second half of the file is comprised of the basis set specification, for which we will use the loc-NAO-VCC-2Z, which can be found in the species_defaults directory of FHI-aims. Don't forget to manually add the three for_aux auxiliary basis functions for each element as we did before. Note, that you will first have to remove the instances of the for_aux hydro 4 f 3.0 line first.

The complete file looks like this

xc                       hf
frozen_core_postSCF      1
RI_method                LVL

k_grid                   1 1 1
symmetry_reduced_k_grid  .false.

output cc4s
cc4s_screen_thresh 1.0d-3
KS_method                parallel

relativistic             none
charge                   0

override_illconditioning .true.

sc_accuracy_rho          1E-6
sc_accuracy_eev          1E-4
sc_accuracy_etot         1E-6

#  FHI-aims code project
#  Igor Ying Zhang, Fritz Haber Institute Berlin, 2014
#  Suggested "loc-NAO-VCC-nZ" defaults for C atom (to be pasted into file)
  species        C
#     global species definitions
    nucleus             6
    mass                12.0107
    l_hartree           6
    cut_pot             4.0  2.0  1.0
    basis_dep_cutoff    0e-4
    radial_base         34 7.0
    radial_multiplier   2
    angular_grids       specified
      division   0.2187   50
      division   0.4416  110
      division   0.6335  194
      division   0.7727  302
      division   0.8772  434
      division   0.9334  590
#      division   0.9924  770
#      division   1.0230  974
#      division   1.5020 1202
#      outer_grid  974
      outer_grid  770
#      outer_grid  434
#  Definition of "minimal" basis
#     valence basis states
    valence      2  s   2.
    valence      2  p   2.
#     ion occupancy
    ion_occ      2  s   1.
    ion_occ      2  p   1.

 basis_acc              1e-05
# Optimization in      C for       loc-NAO-VCC-2Z
# RI-V prodbas generation parameter in Opt.:
#     1) "prodbas_threshold       1.e-5"
#     2) "default_prodbas_acc     1.e-4"
# RPA total energy :                -xxxx.xxxx eV
for_aux hydro 4 f 1.0
for_aux hydro 5 g 1.0
for_aux hydro 6 h 1.0

# (sp) correlation set
 hydro     1     s      0.63593881
 hydro     2     p      3.98166864
# polarization set
 hydro     3     d      6.01255805
#  FHI-aims code project
#  Igor Ying Zhang, Fritz Haber Institute Berlin, 2014
#  Suggested "loc-NAO-VCC-nZ" defaults for H atom (to be pasted into file)
  species        H
#     global species definitions
    nucleus             1
    mass                1.00794
    l_hartree           6
    cut_pot             4.0  2.0  1.0
    basis_dep_cutoff    0e-4
    radial_base         24 7.0
    radial_multiplier   2
    angular_grids       specified
      division   0.1930   50
      division   0.3175  110
      division   0.4293  194
      division   0.5066  302
      division   0.5626  434
      division   0.5922  590
#      division   0.6227  974
#      division   0.6868 1202
      outer_grid  770
#      outer_grid  434
#  Definition of "minimal" basis
#     valence basis states
    valence      1  s   1.
#     ion occupancy
    ion_occ      1  s   0.5

 basis_acc              1e-05
# Optimization in      H for       loc-NAO-VCC-2Z
# RI-V prodbas generation parameter in Opt.:
#     1) "prodbas_threshold       1.e-5"
#     2) "default_prodbas_acc     1.e-4"
# RPA total energy :                -xxxx.xxxx eV
for_aux hydro 4 f 1.0
for_aux hydro 5 g 1.0
for_aux hydro 6 h 1.0

# (sp) correlation set
 hydro     1     s      1.23411101
 hydro     2     p      2.94900728
# polarization set

To determine the band gap of trans-polyacetylene (tPA) in the bulk-limit, one needs to perform a series of calculations with increasing chain length. To keep the example simple, we will perform the band gap calculation for the 1x1x2 super cell, i.e 2 repeating monomer units. We will use the structural parameters of one tPA geometry discussed in the paper by Windom et al.. In that study the convergence of the tPA band gap with respect to the chain length was investigated by performing molecular EOM-CCSD calculations. We will perform periodic calculations using the structural paramaters of the tPA3 molecule, as it is referred to in that paper. The file for the 1x1x2 super cell of the tPA3 structure contains

lattice_vector 4.898485 0.000000 0.000000
lattice_vector 0.000000 90.000000 0.000000
lattice_vector 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000

atom 1.854683 5.339047 0.000000 C
atom 3.033575 4.660953 0.000000 C
atom 1.862432 6.429020 0.000000 H
atom 3.025826 3.570980 0.000000 H
atom 4.303925 5.339047 0.000000 C
atom 0.584333 4.660953 0.000000 C
atom 4.311674 6.429020 0.000000 H
atom 0.576584 3.570980 0.000000 H

where the lattice vectors in the directions perpendicular to the chain were chosen to be sufficiently long (90A) to avoid any interactions between chains.

Run the FHI-aims/CC-aims calculation again via

mpirun -np 4 /path/to/FHI-aims-executable > out.aims

and check if the calculation completed without problems. The calculation should take less than 10 min.

Using the same ccsd.yaml file as in the F2, you can now leave the aims directory, create a CC4S directory, inside of which you should make a ccsd sub-directory. Copy your previous ccsd.yaml file to this directory and link or copy the *.elements and *.yaml files from your FHI-aims calculation there. Then launch the CCSD calculation.

cd ..
mkdir -p CC4S/ccsd
cd CC4S/ccsd
cp /path/to/F2-calculation/CC4S/ccsd/ccsd.yaml .
ln -s ../../aims/*elements .
ln -s ../../aims/*yaml .
mpirun -np 4 /path/to/cc4s/executable -i ccsd.yaml > out.ccsd

Finally, we want to obtain the IP and EA of tPA, so that this time we need to perform two calculations using the saved amplitudes of the CCSD run. For that purpose, leave the ccsd directory and create to more directories

cd ..
mkdir -p eom/IP
mkdir -p eom/EA

While you can use the same eom.yaml file for the IP calculation, for the EA calculation the only thing you need to do is to replace type: IP by type: EA, so that the eom.yaml file should look like

- name: Read
    fileName: "EigenEnergies.yaml"
    destination: EigenEnergies

- name: Read
    fileName: "CoulombVertex.yaml"
    destination: CoulombVertex

- name: Read
    fileName: "Amplitudes.yaml"
    destination: Amplitudes

- name: DefineHolesAndParticles
    eigenEnergies: EigenEnergies
    slicedEigenEnergies: EigenEnergies

- name: SliceOperator
    slicedEigenEnergies: EigenEnergies
    operator: CoulombVertex
    slicedOperator: CoulombVertex

- name: VertexCoulombIntegrals
    slicedCoulombVertex: CoulombVertex
    coulombIntegrals: CoulombIntegrals

- name: EquationOfMotion
    initialAmplitudes: Amplitudes
    slicedEigenEnergies: EigenEnergies
    coulombIntegrals: CoulombIntegrals
    slicedCoulombVertex: CoulombVertex
    numberExcitations: 1
    initialGroundstateCalculation: ccsd
    evaluateStructureFactor: 0
    coulombPotential: CoulombPotential
      type: Davidson
      maxIterations: 20
      maxBasisSize: 50
      type: EA
      groundstate: ccsd
    rightAmplitudes: RightAmplitudes

After running the IP

cd eom/IP
cp /path/to/F2-calculation/CC4S/eom/IP/eom.yaml .
ln -s ../../ccsd/*elements .
ln -s ../../ccsd/*yaml .
mpirun -np 4 /path/to/cc4s/executable -i eom.yaml > out.ip

and the EA calculation

cd ../EA
cp /path/to/F2-calculation/CC4S/eom/IP/eom.yaml .
sed -i 's/IP/EA/g' eom.yaml
ln -s ../../ccsd/*elements .
ln -s ../../ccsd/*yaml .
mpirun -np 4 /path/to/cc4s/executable -i eom.yaml > out.ea

you should obtain an IP value of 0.25341246 Ha and an EA value of -0.00063671 Ha. The band gap, IP+EA then equates to 0.25277575 Ha = 6.88 eV. This is over 1 eV more than the band gap value of 5.07 eV in the paper. This is, however, not surprising since we only performed the calculation for the 1x1x2 super cell with a small loc-NAO-VCC-2Z basis set. To obtain a value comparable to the paper, one needs to perform calculations with increasing super cell size and a bigger basis set (loc-NAO-VCC-3Z or more). Note, that the band gap of tPA is at the (0.0, 0.0, 0.5) point in the Brillouin zone. Therefore, one should use super cells of shape 1x1xn where n is even. By performing EOM-CCSD calculations with n up to 16 and extrapolating appropriately to the bulk-limit, one obtains a value of 4.91 eV as shown in Moerman et al.. This paper also contains a thorough discussion how EOM-CCSD band gaps should be extrapolated to the bulk-limit.

First ionization potential of uracil

To compute the ionization potential of uracil, you can mostly reuse the input files from the F2 calculation. You only need to adapt the appended basis set information in the file to include the elements of the uracil molcule (C,H,O,N) and, naturally, the file should contain the structure of the uracile molecule.

Hence the FHI-aims input in your aims directory should look like this.

lattice_vector 200.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
lattice_vector 0.00000000 200.00000000 0.00000000
lattice_vector 0.00000000 0.00000000 200.00000000

atom   1.17147361362677      0.98429541867005      0.00000252776412    N
atom   0.00418000814178      1.70325956333876      0.00002379122680    C
atom   0.12200942793589      2.77883208151210      0.00003862819434    H
atom   -1.20010382983883      1.10592023715235      0.00002550709315   C
atom   -2.11732948576409      1.67253822411493      0.00004253934579   H
atom   -1.28705241926252     -0.34683196232309      0.00000331557903   C
atom   -2.30808895933210     -1.00329830035103      0.00000680904104   O
atom   -0.03294018824560     -0.98675259692590     -0.00001521543628   N
atom   -0.04578026288494     -1.99822647280132     -0.00002719195527   H
atom   1.21790842532829     -0.40444914969017     -0.00001370630409    C
atom   2.25771571106274     -1.02564176155144     -0.00002744944291    O
atom   2.06814395923261      1.44368171885476      0.00000744489429    H

xc                       hf
frozen_core_postSCF      1
RI_method                LVL

k_grid                   1 1 1
symmetry_reduced_k_grid  .false.

output cc4s
cc4s_screen_thresh       1.0d-3
KS_method                parallel

relativistic             none
charge                   0

override_illconditioning .true.

sc_accuracy_rho          1E-6
sc_accuracy_eev          1E-4
sc_accuracy_etot         1E-6

#  FHI-aims code project
# Igor Ying Zhang and Xinguo Ren, Fritz Haber Institute Berlin, 2012
#  Suggested "NAO-VCC-3Z" defaults for C atom (to be pasted into file)
#  Please cite:
#  Igor Ying Zhang, Xinguo Ren, Patrick Rinke, Volker Blum, and Matthias Scheffler,
#  "Numeric atom-centered-orbital basis sets with valence-correlation consistency from H to Ar"
#  New Journal of Physics 15, 123033 (2013).
  species        C
#     set basis set reference for FHI-aims output
    cite_reference NAO-VCC-2013
#     global species definitions
    nucleus             6
    mass                12.0107
    l_hartree           6
    cut_pot             4.0  2.0  1.0
    basis_dep_cutoff    0e-4
    radial_base         34 7.0
    radial_multiplier   2
    angular_grids       specified
      division   0.2187   50
      division   0.4416  110
      division   0.6335  194
      division   0.7727  302
      division   0.8772  434
      division   0.9334  590
#      division   0.9924  770
#      division   1.0230  974
#      division   1.5020 1202
#      outer_grid  974
      outer_grid  770
#      outer_grid  434
#  Definition of "minimal" basis
#     valence basis states
    valence      2  s   2.
    valence      2  p   2.
#     ion occupancy
    ion_occ      2  s   1.
    ion_occ      2  p   1.

 basis_acc              1e-04
# Optimization in      C for       NAO-VCC-3Z
for_aux hydro 4 f 1.0
for_aux hydro 5 g 1.0
for_aux hydro 6 h 1.0

# (sp) correlation set
 hydro     1     s      1.80690099
 hydro     1     s      3.25966754
 hydro     2     p      1.97404286
 hydro     2     p      3.16616778
# polarization set
 hydro     3     d      5.89063938
 hydro     3     d      6.67716137
 hydro     4     f     10.14967498
# (sp) enhanced minimal set
 hydro     1     s      6.77306992
 hydro     1     s     13.85913422
 hydro     2     p      3.64746093
#  FHI-aims code project
#  Igor Ying Zhang and Xinguo Ren, Fritz Haber Institute Berlin, 2012
#  Suggested "NAO-VCC-3Z" defaults for H atom (to be pasted into file)
#  Please cite:
#  Igor Ying Zhang, Xinguo Ren, Patrick Rinke, Volker Blum, and Matthias Scheffler,
#  "Numeric atom-centered-orbital basis sets with valence-correlation consistency from H to Ar"
#  New Journal of Physics 15, 123033 (2013).
  species        H
#     set basis set reference for FHI-aims output
    cite_reference NAO-VCC-2013
#     global species definitions
    nucleus             1
    mass                1.00794
    l_hartree           6
    cut_pot             4.0  2.0  1.0
    basis_dep_cutoff    0e-4
    radial_base         24 7.0
    radial_multiplier   2
    angular_grids       specified
      division   0.1930   50
      division   0.3175  110
      division   0.4293  194
      division   0.5066  302
      division   0.5626  434
      division   0.5922  590
#      division   0.6227  974
#      division   0.6868 1202
      outer_grid  770
#      outer_grid  434
#  Definition of "minimal" basis
#     valence basis states
    valence      1  s   1.
#     ion occupancy
    ion_occ      1  s   0.5

 basis_acc              1e-04
# Optimization in      H for       NAO-VCC-3Z
for_aux hydro 4 f 1.0
for_aux hydro 5 g 1.0
for_aux hydro 6 h 1.0

# (sp) correlation set
 hydro     1     s      1.21957223
 hydro     1     s      1.79015338
 hydro     2     p      3.43862914
 hydro     2     p      3.48684723
# polarization set
 hydro     3     d      6.20828695
# (sp) enhanced minimal set
 hydro     1     s      2.62768292
#  FHI-aims code project
# Igor Ying Zhang and Xinguo Ren, Fritz Haber Institute Berlin, 2012
#  Suggested "NAO-VCC-3Z" defaults for O atom (to be pasted into file)
#  Please cite:
#  Igor Ying Zhang, Xinguo Ren, Patrick Rinke, Volker Blum, and Matthias Scheffler,
#  "Numeric atom-centered-orbital basis sets with valence-correlation consistency from H to Ar"
#  New Journal of Physics 15, 123033 (2013).
  species        O
#     set basis set reference for FHI-aims output
    cite_reference NAO-VCC-2013
#     global species definitions
    nucleus             8
    mass                15.9994
    l_hartree           6
    cut_pot             4.0  2.0  1.0
    basis_dep_cutoff    0e-4
    radial_base         36 7.0
    radial_multiplier   2
    angular_grids       specified
      division   0.1817   50
      division   0.3417  110
      division   0.4949  194
      division   0.6251  302
      division   0.8014  434
      division   0.8507  590
#      division   0.8762  770
#      division   0.9023  974
#      division   1.2339 1202
#      outer_grid 974
      outer_grid 770
#      outer_grid  434
#  Definition of "minimal" basis
#     valence basis states
    valence      2  s   2.
    valence      2  p   4.
#     ion occupancy
    ion_occ      2  s   1.
    ion_occ      2  p   3.

 basis_acc              1e-04
# Optimization in      O for       NAO-VCC-3Z
for_aux hydro 4 f 1.0
for_aux hydro 5 g 1.0
for_aux hydro 6 h 1.0

# (sp) correlation set
 hydro     1     s      1.84877109
 hydro     1     s      3.09577821
 hydro     2     p      2.44895734
 hydro     2     p      5.85722578
# polarization set
 hydro     3     d      8.53701653
 hydro     3     d      8.96275978
 hydro     4     f     14.09619628
# (sp) enhanced minimal basis
 hydro     1     s      3.62165559
 hydro     1     s      5.97272514
 hydro     2     p      6.29404180
#  FHI-aims code project
# Igor Ying Zhang and Xinguo Ren, Fritz Haber Institute Berlin, 2012
#  Suggested "NAO-VCC-3Z" defaults for N atom (to be pasted into file)
#  Please cite:
#  Igor Ying Zhang, Xinguo Ren, Patrick Rinke, Volker Blum, and Matthias Scheffler,
#  "Numeric atom-centered-orbital basis sets with valence-correlation consistency from H to Ar"
#  New Journal of Physics 15, 123033 (2013).
  species        N
#     set basis set reference for FHI-aims output
    cite_reference NAO-VCC-2013
#     global species definitions
    nucleus             7
    mass                14.0067
    l_hartree           6
    cut_pot             4.0  2.0  1.0
    basis_dep_cutoff    0e-4
    radial_base         35 7.0
    radial_multiplier   2
    angular_grids       specified
      division   0.1841   50
      division   0.3514  110
      division   0.5126  194
      division   0.6292  302
      division   0.6939  434
      division   0.7396  590
#      division   0.7632  770
#      division   0.8122  974
#      division   1.1604 1202
#      outer_grid  974
      outer_grid  770
#      outer_grid  434
#  Definition of "minimal" basis
#     valence basis states
    valence      2  s   2.
    valence      2  p   3.
#     ion occupancy
    ion_occ      2  s   1.
    ion_occ      2  p   2.

 basis_acc              1e-04
# Optimization in      N for       NAO-VCC-3Z
for_aux hydro 4 f 1.0
for_aux hydro 5 g 1.0
for_aux hydro 6 h 1.0

# (sp) correlation set
 hydro     1     s      1.20973156
 hydro     1     s      2.56620771
 hydro     2     p      2.07057135
 hydro     2     p      4.62007052
# polarization set
 hydro     3     d      7.34425305
 hydro     3     d      7.73693275
 hydro     4     f     12.37741826
# (sp) enhanced minimal set
 hydro     1     s      3.47271250
 hydro     1     s      4.95564021
 hydro     2     p      4.71939479

The geometry that we use was taken from the IP-EOM-CCSD benchmark paper by Tripathi and Dutta. To make use of the more efficient RI-LVL scheme, we perform the calculation in a cubic box of 200A edge length.

Alternatively, you can remove the lattice_vector lines and specify the RI-V scheme in the file (as was the case in the F2). This will, however most likely, be more computationally expensive without affecting the end result significantly.

Having run the FHI-aims/CC-aims calculation, the remaining steps including the necessary input files are identical to the previous example of the fluorine molecule.

If you run the final IP-EOM-CCSD calculation, you should obtain a first ionization potential of 0.3540 Ha = 9.63 eV, which is in good agreement with the value of 9.54 eV obtained by Tripathi and Dutta. The remaining deviation can be attributed to the basis set incompleteness error, which is the consequence of using only a 3Z basis (cc-pVTZ basis in the paper).